PubMed データ

以下が、Medline 形式で、普通にダウンロードした1個のPubMed データである。

PMID- 17201855
DA  - 20070104
DCOM- 20070306
PUBM- Print
IS  - 0147-8389 (Print)
VI  - 29
IP  - 12
DP  - 2006 Dec
TI  - Bundle brunch reentrant ventricular tachycardia with two distinct
      conduction patterns in a patient with complete right bundle branch block.
PG  - 1438-41
AB  - We report a rare case of bundle branch reentrant ventricular tachycardia
      [BBRVT]. A 67-year-old female was admitted for management of wide QRS
      tachycardia (right bundle branch block [RBBB] and a southwest axis). The
      mapping procedure revealed the tachycardia circuit consisted of the left
      anterior fascicle (LAF) as an antegrade, and the right bundle as a
      retrograde pathway. She presented RBBB during sinus rhythm. LAF ablation
      changed the tachycardia configuration to a northwest axis and prolonged
      the cycle length. Left posterior fascicle ablation terminated the
      tachycardia, and complete atrioventricular block occurred, which showed
      the unidirectional conduction over the right bundle.
AD  - Cardiovascular Center, Kyoto Katsura Hospital, Kyoto, Japan.
FAU - Enjoji, Yoshihisa
AU  - Enjoji Y
FAU - Mizobuchi, Masahiro
AU  - Mizobuchi M
FAU - Shibata, Kensaku
AU  - Shibata K
FAU - Ono, Tsuyoshi
AU  - Ono T
FAU - Funatsu, Atsushi
AU  - Funatsu A
FAU - Kanbayashi, Daisuke
AU  - Kanbayashi D
FAU - Kobayashi, Tomoko
AU  - Kobayashi T
FAU - Nakamura, Shigeru
AU  - Nakamura S
LA  - eng
PT  - Case Reports
PT  - Journal Article
PL  - United States
TA  - Pacing Clin Electrophysiol
JT  - Pacing and clinical electrophysiology : PACE
JID - 7803944
SB  - IM
MH  - Aged
MH  - Body Surface Potential Mapping/*methods
MH  - Bundle-Branch Block/*complications/*diagnosis
MH  - Female
MH  - *Heart Conduction System
MH  - Humans
MH  - Rare Diseases/diagnosis
MH  - Tachycardia, Atrioventricular Nodal Reentry/*complications/*diagnosis
EDAT- 2007/01/05 09:00
MHDA- 2007/03/07 09:00
AID - PACE560 [pii]
AID - 10.1111/j.1540-8159.2006.00560.x [doi]
PST - ppublish
SO  - Pacing Clin Electrophysiol. 2006 Dec;29(12):1438-41.